Shannon TL Kearns is a transgender man who believes in the transformative power of story. As an ordained priest, a playwright, a theologian, and a writer all of his work revolves around making meaning through story. He’s the co-founder of and the podcast Queer Theology and his new book “In The Margins: A Transgender Man’s Journey with Scripture” released last week
Shannon is a recipient of the Playwrights’ Center Jerome Fellowship in 20/21 and he was a Lambda Literary Fellow for 2019 and a Finnovation Fellow for 2019/2020. He is a sought-after speaker on transgender issues and religion as well as a skilled facilitator of a variety of workshops. His work with Brian G. Murphy at has reached more than a million people all over the world through videos, articles, online courses, and community
Links + Resources:
Queerology releases every other Tuesday and is supported by its listeners via Patreon. Join in the conversation on Twitter: @queerologypod
Until next time,