As the home-schooled daughter of a Focus on the Family executive, Amber Cantorna grew up entrenched in the values that the organization embodies and her conservative Christian parents worked hard to protect her from the outside world. But when Amber came out as gay at the age of 27, she shattered the perfect persona that her family strove to uphold. As a result, she lost everything, and her world forever changed.
Today on Queerology, I sit down with Amber, whose new book Refocusing My Family: Coming Out, Being Cast Out, and Discovering the True Love of God released this past week. We talk about her childhood and what it has been like to continue to exist within a family that rejects her.
Amber is about to go on a nationwide book tour, for more information about that and about the book, head over to You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook, @AmberNCantorna.
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Until next week,