Friends, I am so excited to launch a project I’ve been working hard on: Queerology: A Podcast on Belief and Being. I’m bringing together some of my favorite people: theologians, psychologists, poets, thinkers, change makers, and maybe even a scientist or two. Some you’ve heard of, others maybe not. We’re spending each episode exploring different “-ologies” and ideas, all pointing back to the central question: how might we live better as queer people of faith?
In this first episode, I sit down with Grammy nominated recording artist Jennifer Knapp to talk about coming out, reconciling her identity, and how her music has transformed since owning her story.
Be sure to check out Jennifer’s new album Love Comes Back Around releasing on June 23. Click here to support her Pledge Campaign to preorder the album and get several singles right away. Jennifer is also in the midst of a nationwide tour — to grab tickets visit her website, Be sure to join in the conversation on Twitter — @jennifer_knapp, @queerologypod and #queerology
I would love it if you would help me spread the word about Queerology — share it on Facebook, Twitter, tell your friends, grab an old boombox and play it out your windows for the world to hear!
Queerology will be releasing every Tuesday. Subscribe right now and leave a review via your favorite podcast service! Here are the links:
Subscribe via Google Play Music
Let me know what you think!