This is an encore of Episode 18 with Kenji Kuramitsu. Kenji is a writer and Master of Divinity student living in Chicago, IL. He is a queer fifth-generation Japanese American, and serves on the board of the Reformation Project and the Japanese American Citizens League.
Kenji believes that our worship and our prayers and our way of living are all intimately intertwined: what we do in our prayer affects our beliefs, which in turn affects our very way of being in the world. Praying shapes believing shapes living as faithful Christians in a world torn apart by social ills.
His new book, “A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer” explores this idea as a collection of collects for the Black Lives Matter movement and beyond. It is available from Evangelicals for Social Action: evangelicalsforsocialaction.
Follow him online via Instagram and Twitter: @afreshmind.
Queerology releases every Tuesday and is produced with support from Natalie England, Tim Schraeder, Christian Hayes, and other listeners via Patreon. Join in the conversation on Twitter: @queerologypod and #Queerology. Subscribe right now and leave a review via your favorite podcast service! Here are the links:
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Until next week,